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God grant me the serenity 
To accept the things I cannot change; 
Courage to change the things I can; 
And wisdom to know the difference. 


The mind is a genius, which absorbs everything around you and translates that into what you know, how you act, and how you view the world.

                 Your Environment Controls

                              Your Energy


The environment you are in will determine the amount of energy you will need to feel secure. If you are on a treadmill that is running at 10 miles an hour, you must run at that speed too, or you will fall off.

Or imagine this example: You are in a lake that is 99 feet deep, and all you have is your body to keep you from drowning. If you don’t choose to swim, your mind will let you know that you are going to die. So, assuming you don’t want to die, either you are going to swim, or you are going to get out of the water.

It’s the same with your environment. Either you adapt to a situation, or you remove yourself from it. If you are ever in a room of people who are not good for you, to feel comfortable you have to become just like them. If you have friends who do bad things, to feel comfortable around them, you will do those bad things, too. So, stay away from all that causes you harm. If you don’t, you will have to do harm to feel comfortable in that space. 

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